

Yuno uses Python, either 3.x or 2.7. If you need it, use your package manager or get a copy and install it somewhere nice.

Not sure if you have Python, or which version? On Linux/OS X, use:

# Check for any version
python -V

# Check for Python 3
python3 -V

On Windows:

:: Any version
python -V

:: Python 3
py -3 -V


For Rick Ord’s 131

It’s pre-configured for the starter code. Clone it or extract the (archive | tarball) next to bin/ and you’ll be set.

To clone with Git:

cd /your/project
git clone
cd yuno
git checkout v0.3

Your goal is a directory which looks like this:

    .eclipse_turds, .idea_spam, etc/
        (.class files)
        (.java files)
        (we'll get to this)
        (, etc)

For other projects

Download Yuno as above and put it anywhere you want. To get it working for your project, open settings/config.json and set test_folder, compiler_invocation, and compiler_classpath (if your project uses Java) to whatever is appropriate.

On ieng9

Install Yuno for 131, but note the default Python version is too old. Python 3.2 is found in /software/common/python-3.2/bin/.

Make it nice

At this point, Yuno can be run with either

./ <args>


<python executable> <args>

A simple yuno <args> would be much nicer. We’ll use a stupid, brute-force alias because it makes things easy, but a symlink, %PATH% and %PATHEXT%, or whatever you prefer should work as well. (A future version will remove this step. For now... sorry!)

On Linux/OS X:

alias yuno='/path/to/compatible/python /path/to/yuno/'

On Windows:

:: Replace XX with your Python version - 27 for 2.7, 31 for 3.1, etc.
doskey yuno=C:\PythonXX\python.exe C:\path\to\yuno\ $*

To make it permanent:

  • On Linux/OS X with Bash, add your command to ~/.bashrc or similar.
  • On Windows, make a special shortcut for your cmd.exe.