Customizing Yuno


The settings you can change are documented and defined in settings/config.json. Yuno comes pre-configured to work with the standard repo layout described above, but you’re free to use whatever you prefer. The defaults are saved in settings/config.json.default.

Except for comments, lines starting with //, the syntax is standard JSON. Intrepid editors will find that Yuno’s comment stripping code is very stupid, and putting comments at the ends of lines is just a fancy way to break it. Complaints may be addressed to:

ATTN: Roundfile Group
127 Wontfix Road
Dev-null, CA 92122

Customizing output

Most messages that end up at the console (not yet all) are built from plaintext template files whose paths are set in failure_message, diff_message, and so on in the settings file. You can either change the paths or just edit the defaults in-place. What you see is what you get, newlines and all.